Sunday, November 16, 2014

Ending Education inequality - Where is the White "Family Values" Crowd?

Last night, the husband and I attended the 22nd annual "Tennis Ball" fundraiser for the Achievable Dream which was founded by our late friend Walter Segaloff.   For 22 years the program has operated in conjunction with the Newport News City Public Schools and this year moved into Virginia Beach at that city's most historically disadvantaged elementary school.  The Achievable Dream Academy in Newport News is located in the city's worse neighborhood and its students come from extremely disadvantaged families, most black.  Yet it has a 100% graduation rate and 95% of its graduates go on to college or other higher education.  The other 5% go into the U.S. military.  How does this "miracle" happen?  Through the financial support of the business community and social progressives.  Here's the organizations mission statement:
Our mission to motivate all students to excel in academic achievement, to instill respect for themselves and adult leaders, and to teach core human values by providing a social, academic, and moral education. Through a challenging, disciplined environment, we enable each child to develop an achievable dream that will light their way to success and life as a productive citizen.
Last night's event was amazing and raised large amounts of money.  And at times it left one extremely moved.  One thing struck me however in looking at the sponsors and those who donated goods and services for auction prizes.   One segment of Virginia society was totally absent.  The white Christian base of the Virginia GOP, in particular The Family Foundation ("TFF").  TFF raises and spends large amounts of money each year denigrating gays and claiming to support "family values."  But families matter to TFF only when they are white far right Christian families. Last night saw amazing support from the area's relatively small Jewish community, liberal Democrats, local corporations - even Chinese owned Smithfield Foods which stepped up to sponsor the 2015 graduating class.   But no a single white mega church or anyone from TFF.

Some think me severe when I say that TFF (and by extension its affiliates, Focus on the Family and Family Research Council) is racist.  But when looks where such groups put their money and the legislative agendas they support such as voter disenfranchisement efforts targeting blacks and minorities, the truth is easily seen.  The ONLY time TFF gives a damn about blacks, much less black families, is when it is seeking to dupe black pastors into doing TFF's political bidding.  

Last night was amazing.  Equally amazing was the total absence of the "family values" crowd.  It spoke volumes.


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