Monday, June 09, 2014

Linda Harvey: Today's Face of Hate

The "godly Christians" always claim that they are loving and love everyone even as their words and actions tell a very different story.  Time and time again the take away is that these people hate nearly everyone - or at least everyone who isn't a white, heterosexual conservative Christian.  With their losses mounting in the culture wars these folks are becoming more and more shrill as they see their influence dwindling and, perhaps more importantly, their ability to prey on the ignorant and gullible becoming more difficult which represents a direct threat to their livelihood.  Jeremy Hooper looks at the vitriol being spewed by hate group leader Linda Harvey who never seems to have enough foul things to say about gays:
It's very interesting to watch the anti-LGBT activists process their crushing losses and impending political irrelevancy. Some are in deep denial. Some are viciously angry. Some are scheming whatever minor way they can chip away at progress, hoping to at least stay in business for a few more years. 

Others have moved away from trying to save us from ourselves and are now moving on to "protecting the innocent" from the "wolves" 
We may be moving from a time where our biggest challenge was to witness to homosexuals, into a time where our biggest task is to protect the innocent from them. There are exceptions, of course, and I count on all my fellow believers to have the discernment to recognize those opportunities. But what greatly grieves me is that so few see the need for protection that is clearly before us. Too often the approach is to have no fear as we toss our children out in the world with no defense.

Well, the wolves are ready for them. Let’s hope there’s still time to pull them back inside before it’s too late.
Anti-LGBT activist Linda Harvey, who has coupled this revelation with her twelve reasons why LGBT people are terrible

The real wolves are the shysters like Harvey who have zero legitimate credentials to back up their claimed expertise and use claimed religiosity the shakedown the gullible for money.  Harvey hasn't worked a real job in years and is in actuality little better than a leech on society.

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