Saturday, January 18, 2014

Bachelor "Star" Makes Derogatory Statements About Gays

Found this image on FB which says it all
Apparently Duck Dynasty doesn't have a monopoly on anti-gay assholes.  The show The Bachelor has Juan Pablo Galavis (pictured at left) who seems to be vying for the honor of asshole of the week - although, it will be hard to top Vladimir Putin.  What's disturbing is that Galavis, the show's first Hispanic bachelor, ought to know better since the same folks that hate him also hate us gays.  For the record, I have little use for "reality shows" and tripe like The Bachelor, but do we really need to be giving bigots a platform?  Huffington Post looks at Galavis' comments, especial that gays are more "pervert."  Here are excerpts:
The hunky star of the latest season of "The Bachelor" unveiled his very candid opinions about the possibility of a future gay bachelor at a "network party" on Friday night.

When asked whether or not he thought the hit ABC reality show featuring a gay or bisexual bachelor would be a "good idea," Juan Pablo Galavis reportedly told The TV Page's Sean Daly, "No... I respect [gay people] but, honestly, I don't think it's a good example for kids..."

Galavis, the 18th man to score the coveted role of "The Bachelor," continued his conversation with Daly -- but not before pointing out his gay friend Peter (because if you have a gay friend, you can't be homophobic, right?) -- and added:
"Obviously people have their husband and wife and kids and that is how we are brought up. Now there is fathers having kids and all that, and it is hard for me to understand that too in the sense of a household having peoples… Two parents sleeping in the same bed and the kid going into bed… It is confusing in a sense."
Galavis, who is the show's first Latino bachelor and also its first single father, also stated that "there's this thing about gay people... it seems to me, and I don't know if I'm mistaken or not... but they're more 'pervert' in a sense. And to me the show would be too strong... too hard to watch."
News bulletin to Galavis: being a bigoted asshole isn't a good example for kids either.  Moreover, we gays exist and have no intention of slinking back into hiding, so he and his fellow bigots best get used to us being around and being visible.

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