Monday, April 02, 2012

Rick "Man on Dog" Santorum Continues His Attack on Higher Education

Lunatic Opus Dei lover and religious extremist extraordinaire Rick Santorum continues to pander to the most ignorant and bigoted elements of the GOP's Christianist/Tea Party base by renewing his attacks on higher education. In his latest batshitery, Santorum claims that many of the colleges and universities in the University of California system “don’t even teach an American history course." Santorum may be correct if he's referring to a David Barton fictionalized/rewritten Christianist version of history, but if we are talking about REAL history, then once again Santorum appears to have his head up his ass. As much as I find Mitt "Etch A Sketck" Romney's calculating flip flopping distasteful, it's far preferable to Santorum's outright insanity. Here are highlights from Think Progress:

Rick Santorum has previously called colleges “indoctrination mills” that make students liberal and Godless, and labeled President Obama a “snob” for wanting kids to get educated. “Oh, I understand why he wants you to go to college. He wants to remake you in his image,” Santorum said.

Santorum continued his broadside against higher education (and the facts) today in Wisconsin, claiming that “seven or eight” of the ten schools in the University of California system “don’t even teach an American history course”:

SANTORUM: I was just reading something last night from the state of California. And that the California universities – I think it’s seven or eight of the California system of universities don’t even teach an American history course. It’s not even available to be taught.

1 comment:

Angelo Ventura said...

He's ignorant and proud of it. May his god call him soon to join him in hell