Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Worse Anti-Gay Bullying: By Political Candidates

The news is full of news about anti-gay bullying and the often tragic results that follow. Thankfully, more people in society - outside of Christianists circles, of course - see such bullying as wrong and are willing to see policies and laws adopted to stop such inhuman treatment of others. Sadly, there remains a huge area where gratuitous anti-gay bullying is allowed free reign and continues to set the stage for the continued denigration of LGBT individuals. No, I am not talking about anti-gay hate spread from pulpits across the country even though that too is a poisonous well of hate. I'm talking about gratuitous anti-gay venom spewed by politicians and political candidates. An article in The Guardian asks the question of which is worse, school and college bullying or that seen daily on the campaign trail and in legislatures across America. Not surprisingly, in making the argument against the conduct of anti-gay politicians Rick "Frothy Mix" Santorum is held up as Exhibit A. But there are many others who are equally foul - Virginia certainly has a long list that includes Bob "Governor Ultrasound" McDonnell, Attorney General Ken "Kookinelli" Cuccinelli, and of course, gay hater extraordinaire, Del. Bob Marshall. Here are some article highlights:

In a halfway decent world one wouldn't need to ask this question but, sadly, one must, this week more than ever.

Which of the following homophobic actions and statements do you find more despicable and more deserving of the most severe punishment possible: an 18-year-old in his first term at university spying with a webcam on his gay roommate and sending out tweets such as: "I saw him making out with a dude. Yay."

Or: a 53-year-old man on a high-profile political stage saying that gay marriage will cause America to "fail"; that homosexuals do not perform activities "that are healthy for society" and therefore do not deserve certain "rights" such as raising children; that gay "sexual activity" is not "equal" to heterosexual "activity"; that repealing Don't Ask Don't Tell is "playing social experimentation with our military ... And that's tragic"; that gay marriage is analogous to polygamy and, most infamously, bestiality.

Both of these examples are utterly horrible and it is a decidedly depressing state of affairs that they happened at all. So to compare them is not to say that one is, relatively speaking, forgivable. Yet when one results in a now 20-year-old man facing up to 10 years' imprisonment and possible deportation, and the other leads to this particular politician doing unexpectedly well in the Republican presidential primaries, one does have to question, shall we say, the consistency of national attitude, and what, really, is condemned and condoned.

Being against gay marriage, gay adoption and gay soldiers serving openly in the military is pretty much de rigueur for a Republican presidential candidate these days, as is inferring – obliquely or very openly – that being gay is a perversion and therefore not deserving of full rights. Rick Santorum has been the most vocal about this although, to be fair, sex in all of its forms appears to repulse him judging from his beliefs regarding contraception and pornography. Yet his statements about homosexuality have been especially disgusting, hardline and toxic.

There is, as far as I know, no evidence that anything Santorum or any of his Republican rivals has said has led to a gay person killing themselves. However, Ravi has not been convicted of causing Clementi's death, although it's hard not to suspect he is being punished for it.

Ravi deserves to be punished, without question. Yet it seems unlikely that making an example of him will do anything to fight against homophobia among teenagers when politicians seemingly legitimise the bigotry by spouting their noxious beliefs. The Republican candidates – Santorum especially – seem to think that a focus on social issues prove their morality. Yet what they do and say is bullying on a national scale, of kids just like Clementi and beyond.

Ravi will soon find out if he must leave America. Santorum et al, meanwhile, compete to run it. Like I said, the world we live in has some way to go towards decency.

Personally, I believe that people like Santorum have a special place in Hell reserved for them. I'd love to see their reaction when they get their just deserves. I always like to imagine such bigots meeting God who turns out to be a black lesbian.That would truly be divine justice.

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