Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Nonexistence of Adam and Eve Continues to Freak Out the Bible Beaters

I noted some time back - in a post that has seen incredible levels of traffic - that the human genome study has confirmed that the Adam and Eve of Genesis did not exist and that the consequences for the storyline of Christianity is largely destroyed by this fact. Without a historic Adam and Even, there is no Fall, no Original Sin and no need for a Messiah. This prospect terrifies the Bible beaters such as Southern Baptist wingnut Albert Mohler who writes the following:

The current debates among evangelicals have reached a vital point – the intersection of Genesis and the gospel. We must affirm that the gospel requires a clear affirmation of the historicity of Adam and Eve and the historical reality of the Fall. The Bible’s metanarrative of Creation, Fall, Redemption, and New Creation requires the historical reality of God’s work in every movement of the story.

The Apostle Paul makes the historicity of Adam — and his federal headship — central to our understanding of the gospel. Those who insist that evangelicals must accommodate the gospel to the prevailing evolutionary dogma are actually insisting that the gospel be denied.

Needless to say, Mohler is in the camp that wants to stick its head in the sand and not face the reality that the Christian story line and the claims that the Bible is inerrant have hit a potential brick wall. Rather than face the issue honestly, Mohler and those like him want to simply keep preaching lies and a path of self-delusion. I will admit that I don't discard the positive aspects of the Gospel message of love and kindness towards others, but the lack of a historic Adam and Eve underscores that the Old Testament - and poison in it that leached into the New Testament -is pretty much all hogwash, including the so-called holiness code in Leviticus that purportedly condemns same sex love.

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