Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Urban Dictionary Aptly Describes Santorum

If you haven't figured it out yet, I detest Rick Santorum and find him to be the embodiment of all the dangers posed to religious freedom by the Christianists who wrap themselves in supposed religious virtue and the Bible and then proceed to dispense nothing but hate, division, displays of false piety, discord and an utter perversion of the Gospel message. They'd love nothing more than to over throw the United States Constitution and impose their own "Christian" version of Sharia law. Fortunately, the Urban Dictionary has an apt description of Santorum (hence, his nickname, "frothy mix"):

Other meanings of "Santorum" per the Urban Dictionary are:

Biting, pejorative term used to describe a plutocratic, homophobic theocrat; a component of the radical right who embraces tax cuts for the rich, social spending cuts for the poor, anti-gay legislation in every conceivable form and adherence to the strictest tenets of the Christian right.

A closet case who will help keep theocracy in power in the USA and spread the crusade worldwide.

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