Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Why Occupy Wall Street Crowds are Upset

Many in the GOP - including Virginia douche bag Congressman Eric Cantor - have maligned those involved in the Occupy Wall Street protests. In Cantor's case he claims the protesters are "pitting Americans against other Americans" and implies that they are UN-American. If pitting citizens against one another is the litmus test, Cantor should be out calling out the Tea Party and his "friends" in the Christian Right who view Cantor and his fellow Jews merely as a trigger for Armageddon. Of course, we will never see that from a power hungry, sleazy political whore like Cantor who, in my opinion, would sell his mother if the price was right. NOTE: The figures above were as of 2007 - the concentration has likely worsened since that time as the middle class has been slammed by falling real estate prices and increased unemployment.

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