Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Catholic Church Shifts Its Anti-Gay Jihad to Minnesota

The Roman Catholic Church disingenuously states that LGBT citizens should be treated with respect and compassion. But talk is cheap as the saying goes and the Church's actions demonstrate the lie to such statements. Instead, the Church's stance is better described as one of respecting LGBT individuals so long as they are willing to be third or fourth class citizens and allow a bigoted majority to dole out their civil rights as miserly crumbs. Given this reality, I for one do not believe a single thing that comes out of the mouths of members of the Church hierarchy nor do I hold any respect for rank and file Catholics who say that they are not homophobes yet continue to financially support the evil empire which is the Church hierarchy. An example of the Church's disingenousness and its true anti-gay jihad comes from The Catholic Spirit, the official mouth piece of the Diocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, as it endeavors to rally the Catholic vote to amend the Minnesota constitution to make LGBT citizens forever second class citizens in that state. Here are some highlights:

In November 2012, Minnesota voters will have a chance to defend marriage as the union of one man and one woman from rogue courts and legislators who believe it is their right to redefine and undermine this vital social institution.

Civil marriage exists in law because societies across history and around the world realized that marriage between one man and one woman provides the most stable environment in which to raise children and keeps biological parents connected to their children. While death and divorce too often prevent it, we know children do best when raised in an intact home by their mother and father. In other words, traditional marriage fosters strong community.

Minnesota’s Catholic bishops have publicly promoted a state marriage amendment because of ongoing attempts by judges and politicians to redefine marriage in our laws. The 2012 amendment will prevent what happened in Iowa and New York, among other places, where a small group of legislators or a smaller group of judges redefined marriage for the whole state.

The Minnesota Catholic Conference is actively supporting “Minnesota for Marriage,” the ballot campaign promoting the amendment, and will work with a broad coalition of groups to promote the amendment in a positive, pro-marriage and pro-community way. It is helping to organize a grassroots network of volunteers across the state.

Volunteers are needed at the parish and community level. We will be conducting a massive voter education effort, speaking with all Minnesotans about the amendment and why it is necessary to preserve traditional marriage in our state.

We need parishes to provide prayer teams and support; parish leaders or captains who can assist the pastor in various educational efforts in support of marriage and the amendment; help recruiting other volunteers and organizing activity in the parish and local community; help with voter registration drives, phone calls, door knocking and get-out-the-vote efforts later in 2012. Training and resources will be provided.

All of this from an institution enjoying tax exempt status in part from it's promise to NOT try to influence legislation and/or support political candidates. It's far past time that the IRS revoke the tax-exempt status of dioceses like the Diocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. It's also far past time for non-homophobic Catholics to stop funding the hate and bigotry and attempts to influence the civil laws which are central to the Church hierarchy's mission and "message" today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Catholic church in Minnesota, also sent out an anti-gay DVD to all of their members a couple of years ago. It was protested by a great number of people. I even know of people who stopped going to the church because of it.