Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Why Marcus Bachmann is Fair Game for Mockery

I've been rough on the always lisping, always mincing Marcus Bachmann for a couple of reasons. First, it drives me to distraction when individuals seek to inject their own psychological issues into the political realm and interfere with the lives and rights of others. Second, nothing hacks me off more than hypocrites be it in the political or religious realm. With Bachmann one is confronted with a man who appears to be gay and suffering from the worse consequences of religious based self-hate and denial. Because Bachmann has "chosen" to try to convince himself he's straight, he wants all other LGBT individuals to live in his warped world. For decades I tried to convince myself I was straight. The difference is, I never tried to force others to join me in the closet nor did I aid and abet political extremists who sought to denigrate and marginalize gays for political and/or financial gain. Since Marcus Bachmann has deliberately decided to both, he's place a huge bulls-eye on his own back. I'm not the only one to have this view. Both Dan Savage and Andrew Sullivan have little sympathy for him either. And the South Park clip set out above sums up the ridiculousness of Bachmann's self-delusion (not to mention Albert Mohler's argument for reparative therapy) Here are highlights from Andrew's blog:
Dan Savage defends his mockery of Marcus Bachmann's big gay lisp against criticism: [A]s sex researcher Michael Bailey puts it: Not all gay men are sissies, but nearly all sissies are gay men. So it's entirely possible—it seems highly likely to me—that Marcus Bachmann is one of those guys who insists that sexual orientation is a choice because he choose to be straight. Or choose to identify as straight.
Gay people who point out how fruity Bachmann is aren't saying there's something wrong with being fruity, or gay, or with guys who look, speak, walk, or dance the way Bachmann does. A lot of us look, speak, walk, and dance that way. And we don't think there's anything wrong with us for looking, speaking, walking, or dancing that way . . . . But Marcus Bachmann sure does. He thinks there's a whole lot wrong with being gay. When we point out that this same Marcus Bachmann acts like a huge homo—like a messy, married, dishonest, closeted version of Cam—we're hoisting that pansy on his own hateful petard.
[A]s Dan notes, some things just cannot be ignored. When a brutal homophobe sounds and looks like a parody of a big old queen, suppressing that fact becomes close to impossible.
The Kool-Aid drinking set may be willing to over look the obvious about Bachmann, but given his wife's jihad against the civil rights of LGBT citizens, I hope the mainstream media doesn't lose interest for a long time. If Marcus Bachmann wants to pretend he's straight and go through elaborate mind games with himself, that's fine so long as he and his wife stop trying to force others to do likewise.

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