Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Maggie Gallagher: It’s Gonna Be A Bloody Mess In New York

In the wake of the atrocities in Norway committed by a self-described cultural conservative one would think that anyone with a modicum of decency would at least temporarily avoid language that is indicative of murder and blood shed. But not so with the Christianists and self-enriching cow Maggie Gallagher in particular. Nope, in a statement Ms. Gallagher says that the battle to over turn same sex marriage in New York will be a "bloody mess." Frankly, while they claim to abhor violence, in their hearts Gallagher and her allies would like to exterminate LGBT Americans - or at least those who refuse to continue to be treated as third or fourth class citizens. Gallagher's latest comments come in connection with the filing of a lawsuit by the grossly misnamed "New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms" to attempt to over turn New York's same sex marriage law. Not surprisingly, the always toxic and dishonest Liberty Counsel is representing the theocrats. Here are highlights from the New York Daily News on the lawsuit:
Twenty four hours after New York's landmark same sex marriage law went into effect, the anti-gay-marriage group New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms today has filed a lawsuit seeking to overturn it.
The group, led by the Rev. Jason J. McGuire, claims that the state Senate, in adopting the legislation, violated the state’s Open Meetings Law by closing off Senate hallways and lobby; and by holding closed door meetings with Mayor Bloomberg and others who backed the law.
The group also claims, among other things, that Gov. Cuomo and the Senate ignored the constitutionally mandated three-day waiting period before a bill can be acted upon and that lawmakers approved the legislation in exchange for campaign contributions from Bloomberg and other high profile "Wall Street financiers."
Gov. Cuomo's spokesman Josh Vlasto blasted the lawsuit as baseless. "The plaintiffs lack a basic understanding of the laws of the state of New York. The suit is without merit.”
Christianity - at least as practiced by Gallagher and her fellow hate merchants - has become a powerful evil in this country and the world. These nasty people epitomize why I no longer can apply the term Christian to myself. To be a "Christian" of this type is to be something evil. Meanwhile, too many "good Christians" sit on their hands and remain silent.

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