Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Pat Robertson: Hollywood Forcing Straights to Play Gay

One thing that is always a constant living in Hampton Roads: Pat Robertson can be counted on to say something to further confirm that he's a bigoted ass and in the process make the region look like an ignorant, intolerant backwater. Time and time again Robertson uses his platform of the 700 Club to project the worse face of Christianity - all, of course, while milking the ignorant and gullible for money. Robertson's latest batshitery is his allegation that Hollywood is forcing straight actors to play gay roles. Joining Robertson in his lunacy is conservative mouth piece Ben Shapiro who strikes me as an example of a self-loathing closet case of the type I blogged about recently. Right Wing Watch has this on Robertson's and Shapiro's little hate fest:

Conservative writer Ben Shapiro joined Pat Robertson on The 700 Club to discuss his new book, Primetime Propaganda, and Hollywood’s advocacy of gay-rights and progressive values. Shapiro’s book argues that shows from ‘Sesame Street’ to ‘Friends’ are pushing left-wing beliefs to viewers, and tells Robertson that what is most despicable are television shows that back gay-rights. Shapiro believes that television shows exclude conservative actors and writers while increasingly include openly gay characters in order to manipulate people into supporting marriage equality.
Robertson lamented, “the American people overwhelmingly vote for traditional marriage between a man and a woman, what is it with Hollywood, I mean they are inserting gays one after another, as a matter of fact straight actors are being forced to play gay roles.
I'd say that what is despicable is leeches like like Robertson and Shapiro who sell snake oil to the masses and make a nice living off of peddling hate and bigotry.

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