Thursday, May 05, 2011

It's Bryan Fischer, Not GLAAD Who Hates the First Amendment

Besides being habitual liars - indeed, if their lips are moving it's best to assume they are lying - one thing that the anti-gay hate groups like the American Family Association and professional Christians continue to do is project their own thoughts and motivations to those who oppose their agenda of imposing a poisonous version of Christianity on all. The latest example is AFA windbag and nutcase Bryan Fischer who has accused GLADD of hating the First Amendment to the U. S. Constitution because GLAAD criticised a Houston Fox affiliate that aired a segment featuring Fischer - a spokesman for a registered hate group - suggesting that watching the hit show Glee will make kids gay and cause them ultimately to contract AIDS. Fischer, of course has zero credentials (he speaks only his religious fanaticism and religious based bigotry) that would make him an educated authority on sexual orientation or HIV/AIDS. In his verbal diarrhea response to GLAAD Fischer charges GLAAD with his own agenda - the dismantling of First Amendment protections for all but Christianists. Here's a sampling of Fischer's disingenuous batshitery:


My appearance on the Houston Fox affiliate last week has generated something of a national furor. Entertainment Weekly, the Miami Herald, New York Magazine, the Hollywood Reporter and others have done stories on GLAAD’s call for Fox to apologize for even giving me any air to breathe.

GLAAD, which stands for the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, has taken umbrage with me for saying on Fox that homosexual behavior "is conduct that bears enormous psychological and physical risk to those that engage in it" and "is just as risky and just as dangerous as injection drug use."


GLAAD put almost immediate pressure on the Fox affiliate to apologize for giving me any air time at all, being the fans they are of the First Amendment and all, and according to GLAAD, Fox at first said they would. But subsequently, the Fox station has had an apparent change of heart and has yet to issue the promised apology.


Fischer would not know the "truth" if it beat him over the head with a 2x4. He wants nothing less than a nation that conforms to his version of Christofascism. One has to wonder why any credible news outlets provides him with a platform. Oh, I forgot. Fox News isn't a credible news outlet.

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