Wednesday, May 25, 2011

FOTF's Jim Daly Backpeddling Furiously

Last week I noted that during an interview with World Magazine Jim Daly (pictured at right) - titular head of Daddy Dobson's anti-gay Focus on the Family - admitted that the Christianists have largely lost the battle to "protect marriage" as they would describe it. Stigmatizing and demonizing LGBT citizens is how I would describe it. Apparently, for speaking the truth (especially about the loss of the younger generations who by wide margins reject the Christianist anti-gay hate) Daly got ripped a new one by the Kool-Aid drinking extremist who refuse to recognize the reality of where the acceptance of same sex marriage is trending with the larger society. As Right Wing Watch reports, Daly is back peddling furiously and trying to say that he never made the statements that he did in fact make about the inevitable triumph of equality. Here are highlights from Right Wing Watch:
As we noted yesterday, Focus on the Family's Jim Daly seems to be in damage-control mode after a recent interview in which he that his side had "probably lost" the fight over marriage equality.
Yesterday he wrote an op-ed for Fox News saying that gay marriage would spell the end of religious liberty for Christians and today he has another piece in the Washington Post saying that "engaging in a little wishful thinking" if they think that he and his organization are going to give up the fight:
I acknowledged that recent data suggests this very important and key group is polling behind the rest of the country on marriage. To me, it was a simple statement of demographic and statistical fact, but to those who advocate for same-sex marriage, it is being presented as a concession speech regarding our efforts to protect one-man, one-woman marriage.
So, let me be clear: I am not waving a white flag. I’m not even contemplating picking one up.
A refusal to accept object fact and reality is a hallmark of the Christian Taliban. Daly can duck and weave all he wants, but I suspect in not too many years form now Daly will be view akin to George Wallace standing in the school house door blocking the passage of black children.

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