Monday, May 23, 2011

Birthers Train Sights on Marco Rubio and Bobby Jindal

Despite Barack Obama's release of his long form birth certificate not too long ago, the lunatics of the Birther crowd continue to whine and mutter that Obama is not a natural born citizen and, therefore, unqualified to be president. Now, the idiocy of this ignorant and bigoted by choice crowd is swinging rightward and biting two GOP stars squarely in the ass. The targets of the birther crowd? Florida U. S. Senator Marco Rubio and Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. Wing Nut Daily has a poll of its readers (see the chart above) that shows that only 4% of respondents believe Rubio and Jindal are qualified as natural born Americans to run for the presidency. It seems the birthers believe that unless BOTH of one's parents were native born Americans, you're not a native born citizen. The GOP helped legitimize these nutjobs, so there is some amount of pleasure watching the Frankenstein monster break the shackles of control of the GOP establishment.

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