Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Matt Barber: Gay Teens Kill Themselves Because They Know They are Immoral

Matt Barber has made a career out of doing all in his power to make life a living Hell for LGBT individuals both here in the USA and elsewhere. No lie is to foul and no fabricated "research" to bogus to escape Barber's use to dehumanize and denigrate others who are simply living their lives as God - assuming their is one - made them. I can think of few people more immoral than Barber and similar hate peddling prostitutes of the Christian Right. They make a living (often a very, very nice living: Maggie Gallagher and Bill Donohue both make well into the six figures) off of hate and bigotry. There really is no other way to objectively describe their actions. Now, Barber has taken his denigration of gays to a new level. According to Barber, gay teens are killing themselves because they recognize their own immorality. It's not the hate, bullying and constant assault from folks like Barber. No, it's because gay teens are immoral - and apparently in Barber's view deserve to be dead. Once again, Right Wing Watch has details on just how sick and disgusting these supposed Christians like Barber are in fact: * Liberty Counsel’s Matt Barber took to the airwaves to bash President Obama and organizations working towards bullying-prevention, joining other Religious Right opponents of anti-bullying programs. Along with Shawn Akers, who like Barber works for both Liberty University and Liberty Counsel, Barber railed against the alleged use of “a ‘Trojan Horse’ strategy, using language of bullying and violence and creating safe schools” to implement “a homosexual activist political indoctrination agenda and a curriculum of pro-homosexual propaganda.” Barber also said that Obama is “furthering a separate but equal policy” that supposedly favors gay and lesbian students * Barber concluded by claiming that “kids who are engaging in homosexual behavior often look inward and know that what they are doing is unnatural, is wrong, is immoral, and so they become depressed and the instances of suicide can rise there as well. * It's yet another example of hate-filled Christians blaming the victims of their own propaganda and intolerance. Once again, I find myself agreeing with Anne Rice. If Barber is an example of what it means to be a Christian, then I do NOT want to be called a Christian in any form shape or manner.

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