Monday, February 21, 2011

More Bigot Eruptions from AFA's Bryan Fischer

Last week I wrote about a USA Today op-ed that posed the question of whether or not conservative Christians - read unhinged religious extremists - would concede that society has largely moved and accepted same sex relationships and LGBT individuals in general or instead would fight the tide of history to the last delusional member of the Christian Taliban. Apparently, the USA Today column put AFA's lunatic-in-chief, Bryan Fischer, over the edge and prompted a new bigotry eruption form that gay-hating, anti-religious freedom zealot. On AFA's "Rightly Concerned" web page Fischer has a new rant that declares an unending state of war against any recognition of same sex relationships. Fischer's announced agenda underscores that modern medical and mental health knowledge mean nothing to Fischer. Ditto the Constitution's guarantee of freedom of religion for non-Christianists. The good news in it all, however, is that Fischer's hate and bigotry are precisely what is driving more and more voters away from the poisonous agenda of the far Christian right. Here's a sampling of Fischer's verbal diarrhea (Note how he calls my love and relationship with my partner "sexual deviancy"):
USA Today wants to know if pro-family groups will fight to defend natural marriage “to the last ditch,” and if they believe this is a “ die on.” The answer to both questions is the same: unambiguously, unequivocally, unwaveringly, yes.
The USA Today op-ed argues that this particular battle has been lost for good, and that pro-marriage groups ought to just wake up and smell the napalm. That’s something we cannot do. And I would suggest that the demise of natural marriage has been greatly exaggerated. The Indiana House voted just last week 70-26 to amend its state constitution not only to protect natural marriage as the union of one man and one woman, but to prohibit the recognition of marriage counterfeits.
This battle is not over, not by a long shot, and will not ever be as long as we defenders of natural marriage have breath left in our bodies. We will fight to the last ditch, to the last barricade, on the last hill, to defend the institution that is the cornerstone of a healthy society. We will resist to the last ditch, the last barricade, the last hill, the effort to normalize sexual deviancy in our culture. Get used to it. We’re not going anywhere.
Fischer's last spittle spraying remark is a message that he needs to hear - I and others in the LGBT community are not going anywhere and we will likewise fight to the last ditch and barricade. At least until such time as the younger generations have largely walked away from Fischer's foul version of Christianity and left it a dying belief system.

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