Saturday, February 26, 2011

Mike Huckabee Once Again Displays His Open Contempt for Gay Americans

Personally, I find it frightening that anyone sees Mike Huckabee as a serious candidate for any political office much less the presidency. I still recall Huckabee on Joe Scarborough's "Morning Joe" program where he unabashedly said he believed that the Bible, not the U.S. Constitution should set the law of the United States. If that isn't a statement that borders on treason - i.e., seeking to subvert the Constitution - I don't know what is. It's a statement that demonstrates that Huckabee cannot separate his personal religious extremism from the duties of an elected official sworn to uphold among other things the U.S. Constitution. And when it comes to gays, Huckabee has nothing but open contempt for us as the video clip below indicates.

Huckabee makes it clear that he wants special rights afforded to his intolerant religious beliefs and that everyone else can go to Hell - literally and figuratively.

1 comment:

Angelo Ventura said...

Let HIM go to hell and his goddamned beliefs!