Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Is a Possible John Boehner Adultry Scandal Brewing?

I generally do not take much notice of what the National Inquirer reports given the rag's tendency to fabricate truly bat shit crazy stories. On the other hand, the Inquirer was 100% on target with the John Edwards sex scandal, so the publication cannot be safely ignored either. Now the Inquirer is reportedly about to release a story exposing the teary eyed, Uber-Catholic current Speaker of the House John Boehner as having had an adulterous affair with a lobbyist. If indeed the story pans out, Boehner would be yet another Republican hypocrite who preaches "family values" and denigrates LGBT Americans while blatantly not practicing what he preaches. I wish no one ill, but if the Inquirer is on the mark, it will be sweet watching the Christianists and self-congratulatory members of the GOP eating crow. I guess we will have to see what proof the Inquirer offers tomorrow. Here are highlights from the Stark Report:
The New York Times passed on the story (if there ever was one; Page 6 of the New York Post isn’t known as the beginning and end of truth), but evidently Boehner hasn’t been successful in making the story go away. I was recently contacted by a reporter from the National Enquirer, and now I have confirmation that their story will hit the newsstands on Thursday.
Wonder how well Boehner’s zero-tolerance pledge regarding corruption will hold up when it comes out that several hundred paper-making jobs were lost in his district and he refused to do anything about it at the same time he was sleeping with a lobbyist for the printing industry that was very happy to get their cheap paper from China.


BJohnM said...

But Michael, they won't eat crow. Boehner "made some mistakes" in his life, as we all have "sinned and fallen short," but he asked to be forgiven, and because of he is a good Catholic, and a good Christian, and a good family man, his sins are forgiven... move on.

Kerry B said...

LOL, right. Actually, is in not so much about saying "I'm sorry" as it is about being accountable.

More than one ethics violation here. Sleeping with the enemy...uh, in bed with the lobbyists, has new meaning, eh?

And..being a hypocrite, as it results in major job loss within his constituency.