Monday, February 07, 2011

Catholic Know Nothings Freak Out Over Anne Rice Interview

Over the weekend I wrote about and posted video clips of Christopher Rice's interview with his mother, author Anne Rice. Personally, I thought the interview was well done and directly on point in terms of citing the deficiencies - and in my view, down right evil aspects of - of the Roman Catholic Church. True to form, the predictable elements in the Church who prefer to act as mindless sheep and grovel to the morally bankrupt hierarchy have their noses out of joint over Anne Rice's all too true indictments of the Church. God forbid that one engage in independent thought or question the writings of uneducated nomadic tribesman and/or a self-hating Jewish Pharisee (i.e., St. Paul) that some suspect was sexually attracted to other males himself. Symptomatic of this phenomenon is a post on the Ignatius Inside Scoop where Rice gets roundly attacked. Here's a sampling of the hissy fit whining of the Catholic Church apologists:
Since announcing to great fanfare last summer that she was ditching the Church, Rice has revealed that she possesses a wealth of emotional baggage and a poverty of knowledge about Church history, practice, and theology.
Note that Rice never, as far as I've seen over the past five years, provided any reasoning or arguments for her stances on issues such as "same sex marriage," contraception, and women's ordination. She simply assumes her position is correct and she apparently believes that clichés and emotive sound bites are all that are needed to demonstrate the validity of her position.
It is increasingly obvious that Rice's hatred (and it does appear to be hatred) of the Catholic Church flows from her conviction that her son's homosexuality is not only perfectly fine, it should be celebrated and proclaimed good by the Church. Like so many others, she makes it personal, as if the Church has pinpointed her son; yet the Church has consistently, from the start (Romans 1, anyone?), understood homosexual acts to be sinful.
Given the Catholic Church's nearly endless record of being wrong on everything - e.g., the Church insisted that the earth was flat, maintained that the Sun revolved around the earth, denied the laws of gravity, supported slavery, and has of course long subordinated women - if anyone needs an education, it's this snarky writer. Meanwhile, Rice is among brilliant company. Here is a brief passage on Thomas Jefferson's views on religion which are not far different than those of Rice (Jefferson believed that St. Paul, author of Romans I had ruined the message of Christ):
He considered Jesus the teacher of a sublime and flawless ethic. Writing in 1803 to the Universalist physician Benjamin Rush, Jefferson wrote, "To the corruptions of Christianity, I am indeed opposed; but not to the genuine precepts of Jesus himself. I am a Christian, in the only sense in which he wished any one to be; sincerely attached to his doctrines, in preference to all others; ascribing to himself every human excellence, and believing he never claimed any other."


Anonymous said...

I clicked over and read the article and I love how all the author does is quote himself to back up his arguments. I also ran through the comments and all I can say is I've never been so happy in my decision to walk away from both Christianity and Catholicism.

The author of the article tosses out Romans 1 as being proof that Jesus was against gays but Romans was, ostensibly, written by Paul. Nowhere in the New Testament does Jesus (or anything attributed to him) say anything on the subject.

There is just so much wrong with the author's article and understanding of the man he purports to follow that it's not even funny. To say that Jesus wasn't anti-church of his time, disdainful of authority, or hostile to traditional morality seems to over look a lot of what was written about him.

Unknown said...

Thank you for your support.
(From a recovered RC who still gets pissed off by them!)

Anonymous said...

Oh, Gawd...the Catholic blogosphere...what a pit of negativity that is!

They moderate out any supportive posts for Anne there and they moderate out any criticism of the author.

Pretty much says it all, ya know?

They're all just a bunch of cranky old scolds who are getting crankier and crankier as their power and authority circle the drain with ever-increasing velocity.

I also think they're a bunch of little attention whores who use Ms. Rice's fame and openness to pimp their own blogs. They know an Anne Rice post will get tons of hits and that she may even respond in person.

It's Anne's decision whether or not she wants to engage, of course, but I personally wouldn't give them the time of day.