Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Iowa House Republicans Introduce Anti-Gay Marriage Amendment

With the USA in my view literally sliding towards second class status with a deteriorating infrastructure and an increasingly dumbed down public education system it makes me crazy that all the GOP wants to do at the state level is cut taxes and bash gays. Now the political whores in the Iowa GOP have passed a proposed amendment to the Iowa constitution that would nullify the decision of the Iowa Supreme Court invalidating that state's anti-gay marriage statutes.
While the Democrats still hold control of the Iowa Senate, I hope gay activists and investigative journalists will up the ante and diligently scrutinize the closets and skeletons of the any gay Republicans and "out" them when applicable and expose their political dirty laundry as a quid pro quo for the party's cynical pandering to Christofascists and willingness to trash the state constitution's (and U. S. Constitution's) guarantee of freedom of religion - and freedom from legislative religious based bigotry. That's right, I advocate for a scorched earth policy against these assholes and want it to be come so dangerous to indulge in such religious based discrimination that even the sleaziest member of the GOP will think twice before signing onto such horse shit. Further, each time I see such politicized religious based bigotry, it makes me truly contemplate leaving this country and taking my assets to a more gay friendly country from which I can watch the USA slide towards a backward quasi-theocracy. Here are highlights from the Iowa Independent that looks at this prostitute like behavior of the Iowa GOP:
A constitutional amendment that would mandate that marriage between one man and one woman is the only legal union that is valid or recognized in the state was introduced Wednesday in the Iowa House, marking the beginning of what promises to be one of the most contentious debates of the 2011 legislative session.
Fifty-six of the GOP’s 60-member majority signed on as co-sponsors to House Joint Resolution 6. Four Republican lawmakers — Peter Cownie, Steven Lukan, Scott Raecker and David Tjepkes — and all 40 Democrats refused to sign on as co-sponsors. The legislation goes beyond just banning same-sex marriage. It would also ban civil unions, domestic partnerships and any other legal recognition of same-sex couples.
However, Senate Majority Leader Mike Gronstal has vowed to never allow such an amendment to come up for debate. Democrats still have a 26-24 majority in the Senate.
“Amending the Iowa Constitution to exclude gay couples will harm thousands of Iowa families,” said Carolyn Jenison, executive director of One Iowa, the state’s largest LGBT-rights organization. “Marriage says ‘we’re a family’ like nothing else and is an important way we care for those we love. Writing discrimination into the Constitution will only divide us at a time when we need to work together to tackle common concerns. Iowans expect their elected officials to focus on issues that matter to everyone, like creating jobs, providing educational opportunities, and improving healthcare. Going backward on equal rights sends the wrong message.”

1 comment:

Kyle J said...

Well the Iowa GOP is almost required to do this if they want to stay in power. Becuase if they let the decision of the state Supreme Court stand, then they wont get reelected.

In my opinion this has no chance at becoming law. First, because of the resolute defiance of the Senate Democrats and Second, because if Iowa does so, they will have another Proposition 8 on their hands, which I think the state will want to avoid.