Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Barack Obama is a "Silent Homophobe"

The activists who chained themselves to the White House fence are on to something: Barack Obama, a/k/a the Liar-in-Chief, is a homophobe. Yes, it sounds like a counter intuitive allegation at first blush given the Liar-in-Chief's statements ostensibly supporting LGBT equality. However, when you look at his actions (and inaction) it becomes clear that other than what Pam Spaulding calls "Cinderella crumbs," Obama has delivered nothing to LGBT Americans. Nothing, that is other than betrayal and actions that further the views of known gay haters and homophobes. The signs range from the selection of Christian Taliban member Rick Warren to deliver the inaugural invocation, to the selection of anti-gay Gen. Amos to head the Marine Corps, to the all out court defense of DADT and DOMA. None of these are the actions of an ally or "fierce advocate." They are just the opposite and seem to confirm that despite whatever disingenuous statements he makes, the Liar-in-Chief is happy with the status quo inequality suffered by LGBT Americans. The Huffington Post looks at this appropriate label for the Liar-in-Chief. Here are some highlights:
Frustrated by what they perceive to be a lack of resolution on the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, gay rights activists have begun targeting the White House in some of the most direct and personal terms to date, accusing the president of being a silent homophobe.
Thirteen demonstrators organized by the GetEqual campaign handcuffed themselves to the White House's north gate on Monday (and reportedly super-glued the handcuffs), demanding that Obama push Congress to advance a repeal of the law prohibiting openly gay service in the armed forces. Prior to leading a chant of "Barack Obama, silent homophobia," the individuals offered sharp rebukes of political leaders across the spectrum. They were arrested shortly thereafter.
"After visiting Senator Harry Reid today, the majority leader, his staff telling us that the president is not engaged, at all, in the repeal of the most discriminatory law that bars soldiers from telling the truth. After all his rhetoric I think we must conclude that there is truth to the knowledge in homophobia of both sorts. There is a loud homophobia, those with platforms. And there is a silent homophobia of those who purport to be our friends and do nothing. Loud homophobia and silent homophobia have the same result, they must be combated and this is what we intend to do today."
LGBT Americans were played for suckers by the Liar-in-Chief. Yes, we (myself included) allowed ourselves to be played - probably because we wanted to believe so badly that someone truly gave a damn about our lives. Its obvious to me that Obama does not give a damn and by his support of homophobic laws, DADT in particular, he is maintaining an atmosphere where gay teens see suicide as a viable option. I hold only disgust and contempt for the Liar-in-Chief who I seriously hope will be a one term president.

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