Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dan Choi: I Won’t Vote for Obama

I suspect that Dan Choi's statement that he will not vote for Barack Obama in the future is resonating with many in the LGBT community. Indeed, give the manner in which Obama. a/k/a Liar -in-Chief, has alienated many elements of the Democratic Party base, I'm sure Obama is praying that the GOP nominates a true far right nutcase for its presidential candidate. Personally, I am 100% in agreement with Dan Choi - who I have had the privilege to speak with one on one in the past - and I believe that the lies and betrayals of the Obama administration have passed the point where anyone who hasn't had a lobotomy or hasn't been diagnosed as insane can in good conscience support him. Time and time again when given a choice, Obama has thrown LGBT citizens under the bus and sided with the gay haters like Rick Warren, and similar Christianists. Here are highlights from The Advocate:
This week’s back-and-forth on the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy has made an angry man out of Lt. Dan Choi, who said Thursday on CNN that President Obama has lost his vote.
“I have a message for Valerie Jarrett and all those politicians in the White House. You have lost my trust, and I am not going to vote for Barack Obama after what he did yesterday,” Choi said.

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