Saturday, September 04, 2010

The Benefits of Gay Blogs for the LGBT Community

Admittedly, there are days when I feel like letting this blog die. It's a major time commitment and it's an effort to try to find interesting and at times different thought provoking things to write about. Search agents help, but it still takes time - as does finding male beauty photos which are still a lure for some readers (yep, Don, I'm thinking of you) who by the way do claim to read the articles as well. On the plus side, writing is good therapy for me and since I cannot afford to be on meds and seeing a therapist, blogging fills a void. Of course, the biggest plus is when I receive a wonderful message from some reader whom I unwittingly have touched. An article at Ezines Articles has identified other benefits of gay blogs - even if LGBT blogs are none too popular with the Obama crowd at the White House. In fact, the article makes the proposition that gay blogs help gays worldwide. Here are some highlights:
In the information age, blogs have become important and popular tools that are instrumental to distributing knowledge and news to wide and diverse populations. As such, blogs are necessary tools for any group wishing to keep its members abreast of new information and developments. While blogs are important to any group, because of the way the LGBT community is spread out around the country and the world, gay blogs are even more important in making sure that all are kept up to date on items that are relevant and vital to LGBTs.
One important benefit of gay blogs is that they promote greater awareness of issues that are important to the LGBT community. . . . Data about progress in one area could provide a way for others to push forward in another area.
Another benefit of gay blogs is that they provide a way for LGBTs to meet other people and to discuss trends that they see occurring within the community or greater societal happenings that could ultimately cause an impact on other LGBTs.
While news about progress and trends are helpful, blogs can have an even more tangible plus. As LGBTs are still often victims of discrimination and violence, blogs can have the very real impact of warning others about specific incidents and rallying people to fight institutions that continue to promote discrimination.
Every day, LGBTs win more battles for equality and host more events that celebrate its members and their contributions. As a result, blogs can help spread news of these victories, which can serve as inspirations to others, and promote knowledge of and attendance at these events, so that they can achieve the greatest degree of success.
A final important advantage to gay blogs is to raise funds and support for gay causes and LGBT friendly politicians. Every success for the LGBT community requires money and manpower to drive it further. Blogs are vital tools in rallying these resources and increased readership of gay blogs can help to form a more vibrant and engaged social force.
Gay blogs have a vast potential to drive change, promote awareness, and mold a greater sense of family for LGBTs everywhere. Perhaps the greatest benefit of all is that gay blogs remind LGBTs that they truly are a community.
I can personally state that blogging HAS made me feel more of a part of a larger community, both in terms of interactions with other bloggers and also in terms of knowing that others are enduring and battling along with me for the day when anti-gay bigotry and homophobia will be largely a thing of the past. Making a difference for the better is something I very much want to do.

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