Thursday, August 19, 2010

Lesbian Disproportionately Targeted Under DADT

As even a casual reader of this blog will know, the continued existence of Don't Ask, Don't Tell is a major bitch that I have with Barack the spineless" Obama and his weak sisters in the Democratic Congressional leadership. With even 56% of Republicans shown to back the repeal of DADT, WTF is the problem with our team in Washington? Adding to my frustration is a new Palm Center study that confirms that lesbian service members are disproportionately targeted by the male chauvinist bigots in the military leadership. True, women are making progress - the Norfolk Naval Station just got a woman commander and a woman now commands a carrier strike group - but over all, the military remains a bigoted good old boy club where old style fraternity hazing and prejudice are too often the norm. If the objections to DADT really come from the old reactionary dinosaurs in the top military echelons, I have an easy solution: fire THEIR asses, not honorable and competent LGBT service members. Frankly, there is too much dead wood in the upper ranks and if Gates wants to save money, the way to go is to thin the ranks of self-important ass kissers and homophobes. Here are highlights from the Washington Post:
Women account for 14 percent of Army soldiers but received 48 percent of the Army's "don't ask" discharges in 2009, the study said. Six percent of the Marine Corps is female, but women accounted for 23 percent of its discharges. The Navy discharged only two officers for violating the policy in 2009, and both were Asian. The Army discharged five officers -- two were black, one was Asian and two were white, the Palm Center said.
[T]he list included eight linguists, 20 infantrymen, 16 medical aides and one member of the Army's special forces, positions considered "mission critical" by the Government Accountability Office. Gay rights groups have long argued that the military's decision to discharge experienced, highly specialized service members costs taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars in military training costs.
The Palm Center reviewed military data provided to lawmakers regarding the number and type of separations by service members. The data does not include names but lists specific reasons for the discharges. The Pentagon did not return requests for comment.
Let's face real facts: DADT serves no purpose other than to discriminate against gays under the law and provide a basis for orgasms for nut cases like Elaine Donnelly and similar Christo-fascists who find a near sexual pleasure in denigrating and maligning LGBT citizens..

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