Thursday, January 14, 2010

Warning- Graphic Photo of Those Condemned by Pat Robertson

The evil of self-proclaimed Christians like Pat Robertson is sometimes hard to fathom. Yet fools - at least in my opinion - continue to support the nasty bastard and worse yet send him and others like him who disseminate hatred money to fund more evil. It literally sickens me as does the photo below of the bodies of those Robertson would diminish and blame for their own deaths. As you will note, some appear to be quite young. When will Americans recognize the Christianist for the extreme evil and danger that they represent? Some comments on the Virginian Pilot's coverage of Robertson's latest foulness highlighted below indicate that I'm not alone in my thoughts:
keep it to yourself, ok? You sound like an idiot when you open your mouth. Your proclamations make Christians as a whole look foolish. Basing your interpretation on a fairy tale 200+ years old was dumb enough, but then using it as an explanation for events is just downright nasty. Frankly sir, you've become an embarrassment to us all.
Quit believing the Pat Robertsons, hes no better than Ernest Angley, who actually goes to African nations and tell mothers to bring him their AIDS-infected babies, and after touching these babies, tells the mother that they are now AIDS free!Now if you believe that and Mr Robertson, you may need some help.
One has to wonder what Robertson got in exchange for his soul when he sold it for fame and riches? Well, I guess I answered my own question; fame and riches. What I'm curious about now is what did the devil get?
Let me get this straight. There was a slavery rebellion with the slaves essentially freeing themselves, yet according to Pat this was a "pact with the devil"?? What boggles my mind more so is the “devil pact” stems from folklore. Will someone PLEASE check Pat's prescription meds and make sure he's taking his anti-whacky pills?
Muslim extremists comments and Pat's, what's the difference!
They need a place on the planet reserved for these people to fight over who's belief's are correct. Keep them away from the sane people of the world.

1 comment:

Julián said...

Michael, y éste es el padre intelectual de Bob McDonell? ayyyy dios mío!!! yo no se ni que pensar, ya he escrito sobre ello en mi blog, y en la blogosfera de habla hispana ya muchos se han echo eco de esto, dejando a tu país en muy mal lugar, porque aunque ya se que no se debe generalizar, de todas formas la realidad es que éste personaje ha sido un cercano y amigo colaborador de importantes e influyentes políticos de tu país.

Más fotos del horror de Haiti

Pero también en internet la gente ha sacado todo su racismo y odio, mira nada más lo que dicen en stormfront:

Es increible la falta de humanidad, piedad, tacto y misericordia de algunos, son simples bestias hijos de puta y enfermos de una utopía racial oníricamente patológica. Ni siquiera una tragedia como esta les hace olvidar su racismo.

Ahora lee lo que dice este blog:

"Obviously this is a tragedy in Haiti and I won’t join some circles that I won’t bother to mention out of embarrassment who are celebrating this. (I almost wound up in Haiti earlier this week, but it luckily it fell through.)

For the people who died or got injured, this will be a tragedy. But for many, this will be a net positive even though they don’t realize. Haiti is a disaster on a good day. That country looks like it suffered from an earthquake even when it didn’t. But at least they don’t have the French anymore to … run things efficiently. God forbid, the French may have built some beautiful buildings that can withstand a natural disaster.

So now the Haitians will have an excuse to get white people’s money and management skills. All their ruins, I mean buildings, will be replaced by something more decent, built by the US and Europe.

Haiti won’t look like a decent country even after this. After all, it’s still a country where the average IQ is 72. But it will look better.

But rest assured, at the end of it, no white nation will get a thank you, and blacks will merely claim that they didn’t get enough. There’s never enough that can be given. Nothing can make up for 30 IQ points."

Como si el IQ importara a la hora de morir, o te protegiera cuando decenas de toneladas de escombros caen sobre tí.

Internet (Haternet) está lleno de enfermos. Vaya mierda de mundo.