Monday, October 05, 2009

Today's Court Hearing Results

Since a number of readers wanted an immediate update of how things went in court this morning, I am glad to report that the hearing went well today and the ex-wife did not prevail in getting any set minimum required monthly payment on this part of the amounts owed under the Final Divorce Decree (which was open ended and had no payment schedule in recognition of my financial situation). I am sure she will be truly pissed off and the irony is that she rejected a chance to be paid off in full which my mother has now withdrawn. Needless to say, the boyfriend was there with me for moral support and as a potential witness.
I have 30 days to appeal the earlier contempt finding - there is testimony from an April, 2009, hearing the shows that the judge in December, 2008, ruled against without even bothering to read the entire decree and property settlement agreement incorporated into the decree - and another order that obligates me to pay credit card interest that was not required in the final decree. I think I'd have a good chance of winning on both issues should I decide to appeal. The best news is that there are no further scheduled hearings and after 10 months of hell, I do not have additional hearings being held over my head. I will make regualr monthly payments and it should end the drive to keep taking me to court.


Anonymous said...

Another hurdle has been passed. You are now a giant step along the way to your happiness. Love & Peace

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on yet another hurdle. Keep the faith.

carole said...

Proud of you... you showed up, had support, got thru it!

My prayer is that people will begin to understand what's real, what's fair, what will satisfy everyone's need, and eventually move on. What a lot of work this takes, tho! You're doing it! That's encouraging. Thanks!! And thanks for letting us know! We care.

Hope the coming days and weeks more than make up for all the trouble. May justice, fairness and hope continue to grow.

gerry said...

Good news, hopefully you can now relax and let go of those stresses that have been plaguing you for so long now it’s time to focus on what makes you happy spending time with your partner etc, and thanks for the updates

Java said...

Fantastic! Can you breathe easier now? I hope so. Enjoy the peace.