Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Lunatic Catholics Attack Obama and Gays

I never cease to be amazed at how the "conservative" extremist within the Roman Catholic Church hyperventilate non-stop over gay marriage and anyone who refuses to treat LGBT citizens as something more than mere human garbage NEVER raise their voices demanding that the bishops, cardinals and yes, the current Pope, who covered up for sexual predatory priests be held accountable. Just like the Evangelical Christians who whine about "protecting marriage" and then divorce more frequently than atheists, the far right in the Catholic Church are complete hypocrites who simper before the falsely pious and corrupt and morally bankrupt members of the Church hierarchy. Like Joe Solmanese's relationship with Obama, it is a wonder these people have not suffocated from their brown nosing of bishops, cardinals and the Pope. Naturally, the concept of separation of church and state and religious freedom for those holding other beliefs is nowhere on the radar screen. It's all about them. Here's a sampling of their current hypocritical whining from Catholic Online which describes itself as a voice for authentic Catholicism :
President Obama, the man trusted by the USCCB to do the "right thing" on health care, has declared war on marriage and, by implication, the Catholic Church. Speaking to the nation's leading homosexual rights lobbying group, the Human Rights Campaign, Obama said: "You will see a time in which we as a nation finally recognize relationships between two men or two women as just as real and admirable as relationships between a man and a woman".
As Deacon Keith Fournier reports and comments, "The leading voice for this Cultural Revolution is now President Barack Obama." The question becomes whether or not the leadership of the Catholic Church, both bishops and laity, are going to respond vigorously and loudly to Obama's direct challenge to one of its non-negotiable teachings.
The "so-called" Defense of Marriage Act? That "so-called" is the sound of contempt toward the Christian, Jewish, and Muslim understanding of marriage. As Deacon Fournier commented, "We now stand in a precarious place in the nation we love."
At some point in the near future, one individual bishop after another will begin to speak out on the "Cultural Revolution" being lead by Obama, and more and more this nation's Catholics will recognize the imminent and unprecedented danger of the Obama administration.
Obviously the religious zealots at Catholic Online forget that some Christian denominations DO recognize same sex relationships and some even bless such relationships. But then, as I said, it's all about them. No one else's views or rights matter.

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