Monday, October 19, 2009

The Importance of Attracting and Retaining Gay Attorneys

As I have stated on many occasions, the Hampton Roads area legal community is extremely homophobic and the reality is that as an "out" attorney, I am basically deemed unemployable by local large firms. This mindset does not prevail everywhere in the South. During the National Equality March we met another UVA Law graduate who was not forced from his firm in Nashville when he came out after years of marriage and three children. In fact, he said that the firm had recently recruited an openly gay new associate. Long term - as evidenced by the "Gay Index" that I spoke of over the weekend - areas that want to be economically successful need to embrace tolerance. Sadly, Hampton Roads seems Hell bent to remain an economic and high tech backwater given its failure to welcome gays, Hispanics and other minorities. Given this reality, I found an article by BCG Attorney Search - one of the largest legal recruiters in the USA - to be further evidence of the backwardness of the local legal community. In this article, the case is made that attracting and retaining gay attorneys should be a must for law firms seeking to thrive. Here are some highlights:
Historically, law firms have been conservative environments, and as a result, gay attorneys (which includes gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered attorneys) have largely kept their sexual orientations to themselves out of fear of being ostracized, rejected, and discriminated against. Many of us have witnessed or heard of stories in which a very highly regarded attorney’s sexual orientation was somehow disclosed (or leaked) to his or her firm, resulting in negative consequences for the attorney.
While law firms have traditionally been unfriendly to gay attorneys and staff, changing a firm’s atmosphere can be done — and many firms are doing so with great success. While it may not be easy, as discussed in detail below, it is vitally important for firms that want to remain competitive in the marketplace, and there are some concrete steps that firms can take to help create a comfortable working atmosphere for gay attorneys.
There is a very simple reason that firms should care about attracting and retaining gay attorneys: to help recruitment and retention of staff. . . . Gay attorneys have always made significant contributions to the law, regardless of whether their peers were aware of their sexual orientation, and in today’s incredibly competitive recruiting environment for the top lawyers, firms can only benefit from pulling from a larger pool of attorneys. Diversity also conveys a loud message that the culture of the law firm is one of inclusion, and as a consequence of this message, the firm is bound to attract the best attorneys from all walks of life.
Firms are also feeling increased pressure from their clients to increase diversity and provide an atmosphere of inclusion for gay attorneys. Clients often ask for the firm statistics regarding gay and lesbian attorneys, and some gay business owners are more comfortable working with gay attorneys, or at least firms that support gay attorneys.
The article then goes on to discuss steps that can be implemented to accomplish a positive change in firm atmosphere. With more and more gays living openly, the dramatically higher acceptance of gays by the younger generations, the fact that many families have a LGBT relative, and the increased number of gay owned businesses, it is simply good business to end homophobic practices within law firms. Will the Hampton Roads area wake up? I'm not holding my breath and by the time the legal community wakes up to the lost opportunity, I hope I have cornered much of the LGBT market. (I am also marketing to the Hispanic community and other groups that currently are looked down upon by arrogant and homophobic law firms.)


Julián said...

Hola que tal no se si me entiendes, prefiero escribir en Español ya que cuando lo hago en Inglés, suelo generar bastante rechazo en tus compatriotas, he encontrado tu blog de casualidad, he leido algunos de tus post en los archivos y realmente me parece lamentable el clima ultra-homófobo de tu país, yo no se a veces que pensar, USA es un país tan raro, ustedes siempre nos están vendiendo la imagen de ser un "paraiso de libertad donde todos son iguales ante dios", pero cuando leo blogs de gays americanos siento rabia de que el país más poderoso del mundo que se autodefine como "el garante de los derechos humanos en el mundo" trate tan mal a sus propios ciudadanos, yo no quiero parecer anti-americano, pero a mi no me gustaría tener la "religious right" que los pobres gays americanos tienen que soportar todos los días.

Ciao y un abrazo.

Michael-in-Norfolk said...

This is a very rough transaltion of the prior comment from a reader in Andalucía, Spain:

If you understand me, I prefer to write in Spanish as in English when I do, I usually generate enough rejection in your countrymen.

I found your blog by chance, I read some of your post in the archives and really I find regrettable the ultra-homophobic climate of your country, sometimes I do not think, USA is a country so rare, you always are selling the image of being a "haven of freedom where all are equal before God", but when I read blogs gay Americans I feel angry that the world's most powerful country which describes itself as "the guarantor of human rights in the world" so ill treat its own citizens. I do not want to seem anti-American, but in my country I do not have the "religious right" that poor gay Americans have to bear every day.

Ciao and hugs.


Sadly, you are correct. America is a very hypocritical country that does not practice at home what it preaches to others. The current treatment of gays makes a farce out of what this country supposedly stands for.