Sunday, April 19, 2009

Masters and Johnson Case Studies Fabricated to Support Gay Conversion Therapy

I frequently endeavor to expose the lies and bastardized science used by anti-gay organizations in order to prey on parents of gays and self-hating gays themselves through their fraudulent conversion therapy programs. Nowadays, none of the legitimate mental health experts support such programs, yet Christianist "ministries" - which can dodge state licensing requirements since they are religion based - continue to market these snake oil programs for political and monetary gain. Now, a new book on Masters and Johnson entitled "Masters of Sex" sadly reveals that Masters and Johnson likewise cooked their research to support the myth of "gay conversion." Newsweek as a story on the book and tellings has this quote:
The story of Masters's secret sweetheart isn't the only scoop in Thomas Maier's exhaustive new dual biography, "Masters of Sex." (We learn, for example, that Masters probably fabricated case studies to support the "gay conversion" therapy advocated in the couple's third book, "Homosexuality in Perspective.")

1 comment:

Larry said...

I knew it!!!! Book just didn't ring true.