Saturday, September 06, 2008

Hanna Update

UPDATE: So far so good - the only excitement at my house has been a power surge that apparently "fried" one of my air-conditioning window units not withstanding a surge protector and temporarily knocked out my Internet access. Unlike 20,000+ customers, I at least still have power.
As the metro radar image at left shows, the rains have arrived from Tropical Storm Hanna and the winds are likewise building. Looking at the Virginia Beach surf cams on Surfline (it takes the cam a few moments to go live), the ocean is a mass of white water and what surfers often describe as a "washing machine." Virginia Beach will receive the strongest winds at Oceanfront and Norfolk's main worry will be flooding as Hanna passes directly by later in the day around high tide.
The worse rain should arrive in a few hours. Between high tide and the surge of water pushed into the mouth of Chesapeake Bay and Hampton Roads harbor (which backs up the city storm drains), the rain water will have nowhere to go. Parts of Ghent may look like a lake before the day is out. Given the predicted level of the storm surge, my boyfriend's beautiful home should be fine. He had very extensive damage when Hurricane Isabel pass through in September, 2003.

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