Thursday, August 07, 2008

Fundie Frensy Increasing

Earlier today I posted about the new Time magazine poll which put those accepting gay marriage as tied with those who oppose it. I also conjectured that the wingnuts would be getting increasingly hysterical. Via Pam's House Blend an e-mail put out by the so-called National Organization for Marriage proves my point. Not only is the rhetoric getting increasingly loony, but through out the e-mail are numerous disingenuous calls for money donations. I guess Brian S. Brown, Executive Director (pictured at left) of the group realizes his days of living off the donations of the sheeple may be drawing to a close and that getting every possible dollar now is crucial to the continuation of his life style. If the fundies lose the fight for marriage in California, the "goose that lays the golden eggs - i.e., shaking down the simple minded for money to protect them from the "threat to marriage" - may be gone and a significant amount of cash flow may disappear from the fundie coffers. That will hurt many of them far more than any change to the marriage laws. Here are a few highlights from the e-mail:
The next 90 days will determine the future of marriage in our nation. With now less than 90 days remaining before the November 4 elections, the future of marriage hangs in the balance, not only in California, but in the rest of the nation as well . . . . "if we lose in California, "it will open the floodgates for same-sex marriage in all the other states." Already, we see new threats emerging in other states, and the pressures will only increase if we fail to save marriage in California.
With gay marriage advocates and their willing accomplices in the courts, "live and let live" is a one-way street. For years, opponents of a federal marriage amendment have assured us that there is no need for an amendment -- because "marriage is an issue best left to the states," and besides, the Defense of Marriage Act already protects states from being forced to recognize same-sex marriages. But now, as soon as same-sex couples from across the country start flocking to California and Massachusetts for marriage licenses, we start hearing how "absurd" and "discriminatory" it is to have same-sex marriages recognized in some states but not in others.
If Congress were to repeal DOMA next year, we would quickly see litigation over whether, for example, Indiana is required to recognize a same-sex marriage from Massachusetts. By the time the case reached the Supreme Court two years later, we would be facing the possibility of nationalized same-sex marriage, much as the Supreme Court set national abortion policy in 1973.
We are in the midst of the biggest fight for marriage our nation has ever seen. But we are confident that with God's help we will prevail. Thank you for standing with us in your prayers, financial contributions, and volunteer efforts. These next 90 days are critical. Thank you for whatever you can do to help.

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