Saturday, October 27, 2007

Obama Explains Why He's the Best Candidate for LGBT Americans

The Advocate has an exclusive interview with Barack Obama on the McClurkin flap -- and gives him a chance to explain how his campaign went off the tracks on this issue ( I recommend that folks read the entire article and then make their own decisions. I continue to think that Obama srcewed up royally, but he is saying the right things on a number of issues. Here are a few highlights:

The Advocate: How did this happen? Was Mr. McClurkin vetted?

Senator Obama: Obviously, not vetted to the extent that people were aware of his attitudes with respect to gay and lesbians, LGBT issues -- at least not vetted as well as I would have liked to see. Having said that, we viewed this simply as an opportunity to have a gospel concert as part of our overall outreach, and since he was singing at a concert along with a number of other artists, as opposed to being a spokesperson for us, probably it didn’t undergo the same kind of vet that someone who was serving as a surrogate for me might have.

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